Thursday, April 1, 2010


"She dances among the shadows, using that as her disguise, to strike at those who would harm others"...

That, my dear friends, was the beginning to a character sketch I started. ShadowDancer was an originally title for one of my fave movies..Shadows In The Sun.. and a nickname I used for a character I created... seems to have taken on a whole other meaning for me. How little did I realize that the nickname doesn't stand for a kick ass super heroine, but a scared woman who is afraid to step out of the shadows and show herself to the world.

I am that woman. The one who sits at Weight Watchers meetings and feels the inspiration, but has that little voice still inside whispering. "You're just setting yourself up for another epic fail, girl! What the hell are you doing here..go back to the shadows where you're comfortable..where you don't have to prove yourself to anyone, including yourself." Why is it we do this to ourselves, live so very long with all of these negatives thoughts and emotions and when we find a way to change them..we find ways to cling to our comfort zone...hmmm..*thinks*

I am going to ask a favor...I would love to know what helped you overcome these nasty little doubts that kept punching tiny little holes in any bit of positivity you find...what helped to begin to bury them..all comments and suggestions are welcome...

Love and Rockets

1 comment:

  1. Hi, here via Brooke's blog! I think it's hard for all of us to break these negative thought patterns. You're identifying that that's what you're doing, which is a GREAT change. Now you just have to shut it down when it happens, and replace it with more positive talk! Read up on cognitive behavioral therapy; it's all about replacing negative self-talk with beneficial talk that can help you.

    I've joined & rejoined Weight Watchers about 9 or 10 times since May 2000. I went back in March 2009, because I was just SO TIRED of repeating the same pattern. I wanted to STOP. I wanted to lose weight, get to goal, and KEEP IT OFF. I wanted to do it for me, I wanted to do it for my husband because he deserves the happiest most pleasant-to-be-around version of me I can be. (And I deserve that of him, and he works to make that possible too!) This year I've lost 57 pounds, and my desire to break this pattern has never been stronger. I use self-hypnosis recordings too to help reinforce my good habits. I exercise, which is something I've done even back when I was 265 pounds, within my ability at the time. It all helps.

    Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help!
